I began blogging a few years ago while recovering from major back surgery. But then I got better and life got busier. I signed a three-book contract with B&H Publishing Group, saw my debut novel published, wrote a second book, learned the ins and outs of marketing, and moved a few times. Now I’m at work on my third novel. Somehow, blogging fell along the wayside.

But as the rhythm of my life has steadied, I find myself wanting to gather words and string them together for others to read. While I love writing fiction, I also love expressing the ways I see and hear God in the daily-ness of life.

I’m not a Bible teacher or counselor, nor am I studied or wise. I’m just me—a woman who loves God and loves words. All I have are my experiences to share. My prayer is that through my words, my life, you’ll see Him.

Subscribe and follow along if you’d like. And please, join in the conversation. The comments on my blog are threaded, which means not only can you comment on my posts but you can also comment on one another’s comments. And perhaps, in the process, we’ll build a community offering one another love, hope, and… Words. For life.